Monday, August 23, 2010

Back from Las Vegas_ Summer Ended :O

I spent the last three days before moving into the dorm with my cousins, aunties, and my mom at Los Angeles and Las Vegas. It's been a lot of fun. We went to Santa Monica Beach at LA; it was really hot but we got to enjoy the pleasantly cold water and the comfy sunbath afterwards. After having dinner at 鹿鼎記 (though it was actually called "Duck House") and staying at Comfort INN for a night, we left LA for Las Vegas.
Double-Peace Sign at Santa Monica

We didn't really do much at Los Angeles. Other than Santa Monica Beach, we also visited China/ Chinese Theater, where celebrities' hands and shoes impressions were left on the concrete floor. It was a lot hotter than bay area, but staying at the beach made everything a lot nicer.

This was my second time in Vegas. Nothing really has changed since last time I was there. Well but I now can really appreciate the ceiling installed glass art-works at the hotel Bellagio and the intense amount of work the artists put into the installation. We watched a show titled Viva Elvis at a fairly new hotel Aria. It was more like a tribute than a circus show compared to Cirque Du Soleil's other performances (at least to the only other one I saw, KA). But still it was a really fun and mind-blowing experience.

Glass Installation at Bellagio

School is starting in two days and apparently not many people are ready for it. It seems like it would be another tough year since college application has already started and my class schedule is also getting busier.
Eddie Murphy!

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