Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's the Final Week

Art 14, a ceramic class at UC Berkeley, ended three days ago. I wished there were more criticism and suggestions for improvement on the work I made this semester. The instructor seemed satisfied with what I have done in his class and gave me a firm handshake before he left.

I do not really know how I feel about the class. I appreciate the class a lot, and like what we have done throughout the semester. That's probably the only thing I can confidently say about this class for now.

It's finals week, and I am studying in the ceramic studio.

Going back to Taiwan on the 17th.

Maybe I should start writing again.

I do not know who's reading this blog, but I know some people are. That's what the google stat thingy tells me at the very least.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Since when did I stop updating this blog? I can not remember clearly. The date on the blog is not very accurate and helpful for solving this concern that I have. I have also been thinking less about art lately even though I am still making art. I guess, in a way, I treasure my creations less and less each day. I accepted the fact that they are all going to decay one day or another. I decided to spend less time doing the prideful staring-at-my-own-creation-for-hours and spend more time on people. I know that I just need to continue on art making.

I made this piece during the summer. It was done in Illustrator.